Postback on any button in the toolbar

Last post 08-18-2005, 6:30 AM by Daniel Krebs. 2 replies.
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  •  08-17-2005, 12:56 PM 9696

    Postback on any button in the toolbar

    If I press the button "insert Image" or "Insert anything" in the toolbar I want to create a folder on my server.
    But on those buttons is no postback,
    so I cannot do like I do with the "Save"-Button:
    Private Sub Editor2_PostBackCommand(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs) Handles Editor2.PostBackCommand
     If String.Compare(e.CommandName, "Save", True) = 0 Then
         if ObjektLangbutton_insert.visible=true then 'Einfügen
      end if
      if ObjektLangbutton_update.visible=true then 'Speichern
      end if
     End If
    End Sub
    Can I add a postback for any button? If, how?
    thanks for your help in advance,
    kind regards, Daniel.
  •  08-17-2005, 7:22 PM 9712 in reply to 9696

    Re: Postback on any button in the toolbar

    You can achieve this by modifying the Toolbar Configuration file.
            <item type="g_start" />
            <item type="image" name="Save" postback="True" />
            <item type="image" name="Print" />
            <item type="image" name="Find" />
            <item type="image" name="ToFullPage" imagename="fit" hotkey="F12" />
            <item type="image" name="FromFullPage" imagename="restore" hotkey="F12" />

    For example, you want to the print button trigger the postback event.
    The code should be:

    <toolbars> <item type="g_start" /> <item type="image" name="Save" /> <item type="image" name="Print" postback="True" /> <item type="image" name="preview" imagename="bspreview"/> <item type="image" name="Find" /> <item type="image" name="ToFullPage" imagename="fit" hotkey="F12" /> <item type="image" name="FromFullPage" imagename="restore" hotkey="F12" />
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  •  08-18-2005, 6:30 AM 9730 in reply to 9712

    Re: Postback on any button in the toolbar

    When I do that:
    <item type="image" postback="True" name="ImageGalleryByBrowsing" imagename="image" />
      <item type="image" postback="True" name="InsertImage" imagename="eximage" />
    the dialog for inserting the image is not opened anymore.
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