'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

Last post 08-10-2005, 12:26 PM by richardm. 5 replies.
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  •  08-09-2005, 10:40 AM 9400

    'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    When I run this code:
          Dim dropdown As CuteEditor.RichDropDownList
          dropdown = DirectCast(objEditor.ToolControls("Links").Control, CuteEditor.RichDropDownList)

    I get this error:
          System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid

    Has anyone else had this problem? - The code is taken directly from the documentation.

    [Using CuteEditor v4.5; and "links" does exist in the collection]
  •  08-09-2005, 11:17 AM 9403 in reply to 9400

    Re: 'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    Please try the following code:
    Dim dropdown As CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList dropdown = DirectCast(objEditor.ToolControls("Links").Control, CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList)

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  •  08-09-2005, 11:45 AM 9408 in reply to 9403

    Re: 'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    Thanks for your swift response -- unfortunately even with the change I get the same error,
           Specified cast is not valid.
    Although if viewed as a QuickWatch in the debugger it says
            Cannot convert to 'Class TreeDropDownList'.   

    If you have any more thoughts I would be much obliged..
  •  08-09-2005, 12:00 PM 9411 in reply to 9408

    Re: 'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    Please check this example:
    You can find the source code of the above example in the download package.
    If Not Editor1.ToolControls("insertcustombutonhere") Is Nothing Then
                    Dim container As System.Web.UI.Control
                    container = Editor2.ToolControls("insertcustombutonhere").Control
                    Dim dropdown As CuteEditor.RichDropDownList
                    dropdown = New CuteEditor.RichDropDownList(Editor2)
                    'set the onchange statement
                    'use the CuteEditor_DropDownCommand => editor.ExecCommand('InsertLink',false,ddl.value)
                    dropdown.Attributes("onchange") = "CuteEditor_DropDownCommand(this,'InsertLink')"
                    'must set this css name
                    dropdown.CssClass = "CuteEditorDropDown"
                    'add the first item (caption)
                    'the culture-text would be auto replaced..
                    dropdown.Items.Add("[[Links]]", "")
                    'hide the first item (caption) in the float-panel
                    dropdown.RichHideFirstItem = True
                    'add the items here every times
                    'add - !!!
                    'if the statements put before Controls.Add , the statements must be executed every time
                    'if the statements put after Controls.Add the statements could be executed only the first time
                    'or add items here if(!IsPostBack)
                    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
                        dropdown.Items.Add("Microsoft", "http://www.microsoft.com/")
                        dropdown.Items.Add("<font color=red>CuteSoft</font>", "*CuteSoft*", "http://www.cutesoft.net/")
                    End If
                End If

    Keep me posted.

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  •  08-09-2005, 12:33 PM 9412 in reply to 9411

    Re: 'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    I'll try this out tomorrow! -- Many thanks --
  •  08-10-2005, 12:26 PM 9458 in reply to 9412

    Re: 'Specified cast is not valid' when adding a dropdown item...

    worked like a dream -- cheers for your speedy responses.
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