Minimize HTTP Chatter When RTE is Image | File Selector

Last post 04-10-2014, 10:47 AM by jeff330ci. 3 replies.
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  •  04-10-2014, 1:40 AM 80238

    Minimize HTTP Chatter When RTE is Image | File Selector

    I have noticed a slight delay on page load performance when I use RichTextEditor as [only] an image selector, even on an otherwise light-weight page. There are nearly 30 HTTP GET requests even for this minimalistic configuration. 


    You can see this in action on your own demo page, here:


    I am wondering if there are additional configurations we can now make, or if you can enhance RTE, so when its running only as an image selector or file selector, the number of HTTP GET requests is far fewer than it is today. I would think server-side runtime config could cause the client-side components to not issue any (or so many) GET requests.


    Note I am using RTE Version 8.1 downloaded April 1, 2014. 



  •  04-10-2014, 7:27 AM 80240 in reply to 80238

    Re: Minimize HTTP Chatter When RTE is Image | File Selector

    Hi jeff330ci,


    For now has no setting this this, sorry for your inconvenience.





  •  04-10-2014, 9:16 AM 80244 in reply to 80240

    Re: Minimize HTTP Chatter When RTE is Image | File Selector

    Being that, at least for now, we have to live with 30ish GET requests, I would like to let my users know when the editor (and page) is available for them to use. Is there some client-side event that fires when the last of the initial GET requests has been issued? I am hoping I can use that event to update the UI so the user knows they can proceed.


    With a full implementation of RTE, the visual clue [that it is ready] is the user can see RTE buttons all appear one-by-one. But when configured as an image selector or file selector, there is no such clue, and the page seems unresponsive until all the GET requests have completed. 


    Note: My client-side config is very close to your image selector demo page. 



  •  04-10-2014, 10:47 AM 80245 in reply to 80244

    Re: Minimize HTTP Chatter When RTE is Image | File Selector

    Nevermind my last question, I figured it out: RichTextEditor_OnLoad(rteeditor)


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