Why does the button still disappear when using Safari:
I'm a paid user of this plugin and I've already done a full custom integration into a project of mine and this is killing me. I need to fix this.
Hi Josh,
What safari version you are testing? On windows or Mac? I have tried it on my safari 5.1.7, it works fine.
I'm using 5.1.7 on Windows, although I have seen it do the same thing on MAC also. Here is a Windows screen shot. Note how there is a white box where the button used to be. The button appears on load then disappears leaving this white box. It is still clickable, but my users are left confused, especially considering my implementation uses a white background, which means the white box is lost.
I am testing the same version, it works fine. Please try the link below, it will open the debug mode, so you can find out what upload mode your safari using. Please paste the content what you get from the debug window at top-right.
I got this:
INFO ScriptVersion ,20121113-01
INFO UploadType/addontype,Auto/Flash
BEGIN event initialize
END event initialize
INFO set flash load mode for FlashLoadMode=1
Hi JoshuaJohnHutchison,
I think is some limitation of your flash plug-in. Can you download the latest version flash plug-in for your safari and try again? I am using the flash plug-in version 11.5, it shows correct.
That did it. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind in the future.