Chrome Image Upload Issue

Last post 08-15-2013, 1:20 PM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  08-15-2013, 4:00 AM 77848

    Chrome Image Upload Issue


    There seems to be an issue uploading an image via Chrome.

    The Image Gallery opens and allows you to select a file, but then nothing happens. The upload window does not appear. 


    This is what I see in Chrome developer tools. It works perfectly in all other browsers. 


    /richtexteditor/Upload.ashx?type=file&file=uploader10.swf&_ver=1376538459851 404 (Not Found)
     /richtexteditor/Upload.ashx?type=file&file=continuous.gif 404 (Not Found)



  •  08-15-2013, 1:20 PM 77853 in reply to 77848

    Re: Chrome Image Upload Issue

    Hi gim-wrote,


    Do you get the same problem on Can you post your editor page url here? So we can check on it directly.


    Also, you can send to directly.





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