Also, I have a new issue, still with uploader. When I click on the Insert Image button or the Gallery button, I get an alert containing the markup for the previous elements of the form which stops several elements above the block where the rte is instantiated.
Edit: forgot to include the random markup it's alerting:
<td><label for="MessageFromName"><span class="req">*</span>Email From Name</label></td>
<td><input type="text" name="MessageFromName" id="MessageFromName" size="60" value="" /></td>
<td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>
<td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>
It's worth noting that the opening tr at the end of that does get closed two lines later, but for whatever reason the markup selected for alerting ends there.
Then if I click upload in the dialog which appears after that first alert, I get an alert that looks like this:
Here's the code I'm using to instantiate the editor:
dim editor
Set editor = new RichTextEditor
if MessageBody <> "" and not isnull(MessageBody) then
editor.Text = MessageBody
end if
editor.Name = "MessageBody"
editor.Height = "200px"
editor.Skin = "officexpsilver"
editor.EditorBodyID = "MessageBody"
'Set insert gallery/image path using default storage'
'call editor.SetSecurity("Gallery", "default", "StoragePath", "~/uplimg/email")
'call editor.SetSecurity("Gallery", "default", "StorageName", "Uploads")
'call editor.SetSecurity("Image", "default", "StoragePath", "~/uplimg/email")
'call editor.SetSecurity("Image", "default", "StorageName", "Uploads")
' Uncommenting the above doesn't fix the problem.
Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated.