How do I get my purchased download?

Last post 03-22-2013, 12:29 PM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  03-21-2013, 6:46 PM 77083

    How do I get my purchased download?

    Purchased an upgrade to V6.6 of CuteEditor for ASP 2 days ago.  Upgrading a Developer licence purchased in 2006.  Paid my $200 and have had no further contact since.  I raised a support call yesterday and have had no response to that either.  


    Disappointed - when purchased original Domain licence and then upgrade to developer licence we had email responses from you within a few hours.


    How do I get my download? 

  •  03-22-2013, 12:29 PM 77091 in reply to 77083

    Re: How do I get my purchased download?



    Please send a mail to and provide the buyer's email or the order info. Adam will generate the new license for you directly.





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