I'm trying to extend the length of the upload progress bar but to no avail. I can't see a way of setting the css for my CuteWebUI:Uploader. I tried just applying it to the div that contains it but no joy. I've tried these various lines of css but the progress bar just appears to fill beyond the end of the progress bar.
.generic-form #ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_Uploader__Progress {width:800px !important}
.generic-form .AjaxUploaderProgressTable{width:800px !important}
.generic-form #ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_Uploader__ProgressText{width:800px !important}
.generic-form #Uploader{width:800px !important}
.generic-form #UploaderPrgBar{width:800px !important}
I think it's because I have css that affects all the spans in my generic-form class and sets them to 230px. Any way I can explicitly set it's width?