IE9 not allowing upload of images?

Last post 07-25-2011, 2:10 AM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  07-24-2011, 7:50 AM 68809

    IE9 not allowing upload of images?

    Does anyone else have this problem?  IE9 isn't allowing upload of images - I'm using Cute PHP HTML Editor v 6.6
  •  07-25-2011, 2:10 AM 68826 in reply to 68809

    Re: IE9 not allowing upload of images?

    Hi hmaloney,
    Can you reproduce this issue on
    Can you explain  "isn't allowing upload of images"? get any error or just a gray button?
    Is your site online? If so, can you post the test page url? So we can check it for you.
    Keep me  posted.
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