How to display Firstname and Lastname in place of Username(Which is used by default in cute chat lobby)

Last post 05-19-2005, 1:47 PM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  05-18-2005, 10:50 AM 6797

    How to display Firstname and Lastname in place of Username(Which is used by default in cute chat lobby)

    I am using DNN 3.0.12  and the proble with me is that by default it displays username (logged in name) but i want to disply fistname and lastname (fistname lastname) in place of username in list of online users name in lobby

    i read from .chm file that we need to overwrite its one class and creat new class and ... is it the only way to do this?
    i m using c# and ASP .net  
    any idea ?
  •  05-19-2005, 1:47 PM 6837 in reply to 6797

    Re: How to display Firstname and Lastname in place of Username(Which is used by default in cute chat lobby)

    you could change the code in

    in the DotNetNukeDataProvider.vb ,  modify this code :

        Public Overrides Function GetUserDisplayName(ByVal useruniquename As String) As String
            Return GetUser(useruniquename).FirstName
        End Function
    Regards , Terry .
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