Silverlight works - flash fails (no temp files written)

Last post 06-16-2011, 10:43 AM by Eric. 3 replies.
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  •  06-15-2011, 10:05 AM 67978

    Silverlight works - flash fails (no temp files written)

    This is a really strange one.  I have uploaded a 70mb file from our office with no problems.  The temp files are created and the upload completes successfully.  I have also tried from my home computer.
    I have gone to another office with the same file and for some reason - when I click the upload button, the progress bar goes up to around 30% and then crashes with error 2038.
    I have checked when the file is uploading and there are *no* temp files being created at all!   
    Would anyone have an idea why this is? 
    Here is the code for my control:
     Many thanks in advance
    1. <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments   
    2.                          InsertText="Select file(s)"   
    3.                          InsertButtonStyle-CssClass="spbutton"  
    4.                          runat="server" ID="Attachments1"  
    5.                          TempDirectory="~/Uploads/temp"  
    6.                          FileTypeNotSupportMsg="This filetype is not supported."  
    7.                          HideNoItemTable="true"  
    8.                          ManualStartUpload="true"  
    9.                          MultipleFilesUpload="false"  
    10.                          ProgressBarStyle="Continuous"  
    11.                          ProgressLabelStyle-ForeColor="White"  
    12.                          ItemCellStyle-ForeColor="Black"  
    13.                          ItemLabelStyle-ForeColor="Black"  
    14.                          TableStyle-ForeColor="Black"  
    15.                          onattachmentadded="Attachments1_AttachmentAdded" >  
    16.                          </CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments> 
  •  06-15-2011, 8:48 PM 67981 in reply to 67978

    Re: Cannot upload from certain locations

    Hi stevecurrey,
    Please try disable all browser plug-ins except silverlight/flash, Anti-virus and firewall to try again.
  •  06-16-2011, 5:18 AM 67992 in reply to 67981

    Re: Cannot upload from certain locations

    Hi we have got a bit further with this problem.
    If we set FlashLoadMode="false" and the client at the office has silverlight installed - the file seems to upload (we can see the temp file being written to).  However - it will not work with flash (temp file is not uploaded and so it crashes at around 20 - 30mb - I'm assuming once the memory has been used up).

    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

  •  06-16-2011, 10:43 AM 68000 in reply to 67992

    Re: Cannot upload from certain locations

    Hi stevecurrey,
    Please follow steps:
    1. download ajax uploader, download link is
    2. unzip this installation package
    3. open IIS
    4. Create one application and let it point to "Ajax-Uploader\Framework 2.0-Csharp".
    5. Tell us the http url of accessing this folder, and provide ftp access of this folder to
    I will test this issue and investigate it.
    Thanks for asking
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