
Last post 05-16-2005, 6:32 PM by RodneyLai. 3 replies.
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  •  05-13-2005, 6:28 PM 6672


    does the UseRelativeLinks property work?

    no matter what i set this value to i ALWAYS get full url paths
    <a href="hello">test</a>
    <a href="">test</a>

    this is only a problem in IE
  •  05-16-2005, 2:41 PM 6738 in reply to 6672

    Re: UseRelativeLinks

    so it looks like UseRelativeLinks only applies to data that i am extracting text
    from the control in the codebehind.

    while in the editor (IE only), ALL href links are mapped to FULL urls no matter
    what UseRelativeLinks is set to.
    It would be nice if the href's are NOT mapped to full urls, but i guess this
    is an IE bug/feature.

    I don't know if this is a cuteeditor problem or an IE problem.  BUT the relative href's
    are mapped relative to the FilesPath passed to CuteEditor instead of relative to
    the current page the CuteEditor is displayed in.
    so if I have
    a page at http://localhost/mypagedirectory/page.aspx with:
       <CE:Editor id="CuteEditBox" FilesPath="~/assets/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/" runat="server" ></CE:Editor>
    and i enter the following link in the CuteEditor box:
       <a href="hello">test<a>
    it becomes:
       <a href="http://localhost/assets/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/hello">test</a>
    instead of:
       <a href="http://localhost/mypagedirectory/hello">test</a>
    Is this correct behavior?  or do i not have something setup correctly.

  •  05-16-2005, 6:05 PM 6745 in reply to 6738

    Re: UseRelativeLinks

    Hi RodneyLai
    How about you try not using any "FilesPath=..."? Just don't set any filepath and see what you get from Editor.Text?
    I think there is a problem in display, but the real output is correct.
  •  05-16-2005, 6:32 PM 6746 in reply to 6745

    Re: UseRelativeLinks

    well...i get an exception because my CuteSoft_Client directory is NOT in the application
    root directory.

    if my CuteSoft_Client is in the application root directory, then i don't need to set the FilesPath and
    yeah...then the href urls are mapped as expected.
    but i don't want my CuteSoft_Client directory in the application root directory
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