Hi guys,
I have dynamically created folders to store a htm file in and it seems the editor does not save the file because it claims it cannot find the path.
I have ran checks with msg boxes to see what it sees and the file path is there and created, but it still does not save the files.
Here is my code:
Dim userFilesString As String = "~\UserFiles\" & Session("UserName").ToString & "\Manuscripts"
Dim manuscriptPath As String
Dim chapterPath As String
Dim versionPath As String
Dim partialPath As String
manuscriptPath = userFilesString & "\" & manuscriptID.ToString
chapterPath = "\" & chapterID.ToString
versionPath = "\" & versionID.ToString & ".htm"
partialPath = ResolveUrl(manuscriptPath & chapterPath)
If Not Exists(partialPath) Then
End If
'this is the test
If Exists(partialPath) Then
MsgBox(partialPath & " Exists")
End If
Dim versionFile As String = partialPath & versionPath
ce_ManuscriptEditor.SaveFile(versionFile)<-- the error occurs here (Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Zephere(JuLian Yong)\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\Social Publishing Network\UserFiles\zephere\Manuscripts\3a96632c-e57b-4185-b614-99223b94092d\cbf89742-b0b9-4651-ac8b-24394fa166d6\c75298c8-2ade-4a1e-b608-c0c4936085d7.htm'.)
Someone please help... I have to get this solved urgently