I need the font and size drop downs to appear last on my toolbar.

Last post 06-29-2010, 5:44 PM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  06-29-2010, 9:18 AM 62073

    I need the font and size drop downs to appear last on my toolbar.

     I need the font and size drop downs to appear last on my toolbar.
    I've tried to change the order using the TemplateItemList, and the simple config to no avail.

  •  06-29-2010, 5:44 PM 62085 in reply to 62073

    Re: I need the font and size drop downs to appear last on my toolbar.

    Please try   Editor1.TemplateItemList = "[Fontname,Fontsize]";
    You can update it to   Editor1.TemplateItemList = "[Fontsize,Fontname]";
    You can refer to online example http://richtextbox.com/test/TemplateItemList.aspx
    If you are using toolbar configuration file, please update button order in "\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\AutoConfigure\Default.config"
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