I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

Last post 06-29-2010, 2:12 AM by Kenneth. 4 replies.
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  •  06-25-2010, 2:34 PM 62006

    I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

    we have specific sizes for each font.   when the font selection changes we need to load the available sizes for that font in the drop down.
  •  06-27-2010, 11:22 PM 62021 in reply to 62006

    Re: I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

    Hi KidMiller,

    Can not add font size for the font dropdown. But you can custom the “Inline style” dropdown to achieve this feature.

    For example

    1. Open file “CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Shared\Common.config”
    2. Find section below

    <CssStyle> </CssStyle>

    3. Add the section below into the above section

         <item text="Arial" value="font-family: Arial;font-size:18pt"></item>

    4. Like


              <item text="Arial" value="font-family: Arial;font-size:18pt"></item>


    Now you can see an “Arial” option in the “Inline style” dropdown and it have the font size setting.


  •  06-28-2010, 8:10 AM 62043 in reply to 62021

    Re: I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

    Hi Ken,
    Each customers  has a specific set of fonts and sizes.
     I must load a customer specific set of fonts and font sizes from a database. 
     I need a way to load a new font size list when ever the font changes. 
  •  06-28-2010, 8:33 AM 62045 in reply to 62043

    Re: I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

    Hi Ken,

    Each customers  has a specific set of fonts and sizes.

     I must load a customer specific set of fonts and font sizes from a database. 


    What we need to do is change the list of available font sizes in the font size dropdown when a user selects a different font from the fonts dropdown. 


    We have tried registering for the onChange event on the fonts dropdown and using JavaScript to do a postback to the server to re-load the font sizes dropdown.  This approach doesn't seem to work, though, because the code-behind still sees the old selection and not the new selection that was just made.

  •  06-29-2010, 2:12 AM 62057 in reply to 62045

    Re: I need to reload font sizes after a font has changed

    Hi KidMiller,
    For now, CuteEditor does not support this feature. Sorry for your inconvenience.
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