
Last post 05-05-2010, 11:45 AM by cutechat. 5 replies.
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  •  05-01-2010, 8:36 PM 60586


    With Manual Upload, is there any way to send simple string data with the uploader from client to the server ?
  •  05-02-2010, 8:38 PM 60623 in reply to 60586

    Re: AjaxUploader

    If it's a simple string data, you can use hidden field to send data from client side to the server.
    Did I answer your question?

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  •  05-04-2010, 12:02 AM 60654 in reply to 60586

    Re: AjaxUploader

    This sample tells you how to pass data for each file :
  •  05-04-2010, 5:06 AM 60665 in reply to 60654

    Re: AjaxUploader

    Thanks for your reply.
    We are using the uploader in an MVC app and we are uploading 1 file at a time. Is the simplest way to just use a hidden field? if so which is the most appropriate event of the uploader we should we use to trigger the storage in the hidden field ?
    Many Thanks
  •  05-05-2010, 11:45 AM 60743 in reply to 60665

    Re: AjaxUploader

    You need understand the steps how the uploader works for MVC
    The uploader will make a GUID for each file, and upload it to server at first.
    After the file data be uploaded , it's a temp file on server side.
    You can get the GUID on client side , and then you can send the GUID and your custom data to the server side via submitting the form.
    At server side, you can use the mvcuploader.GetUploadedFile(guid) to get the temp file.
    By the way , did you check our samples for the MVC ?
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