This did not help either.
What I found out: When I disable the style sheet of the page, the cute editor field has the correct size and reacts on changing the size.
So my conclusion is, that there is something in my styleshhet that overrides some cute editor settings. I assume its a div. However I see nothing that wide in my style sheets. (The cute editor field inmy page is 1030 wide).
Analyzing the source code I see a few div's used. But when I define those in my stylesheet I see no change.
For the page I use a different stylesheet than for cute editor content. Which style sheet defines the width. I assume it's the one for the page. Correct?
I will try to solve the problem. However you could help telling me which of the divs or what ever defines the width of cute editor.
PS: I had this correct soem month ago, but then I must have changes something in my stylesheet and I don't find what this change was.
Volker Gottwald