Hi Ken!
Thanks for you quick answer.
Let me put it this way: I have a folder named X which contains images named A.jpg, B.jpg, C.jpg.... Z.jpg.
In normal way you assign the path of folder X to the gallery control in order to show those images. Suppose that I want to only show image A .jpg - D.jpeg from that folder without the need to creating another folders or categories. How can I manage that?
The reason is that I have several users in my webapp and each user is able to upload images from their account. Now i dont want to create a folder for each member to store the images. What I want to achieve is that all images uploaded by the members are e.g stored in one folder and using a database to store which images that belongs to which member. So when a member logs in, his uploaded images will be loaded from that folder X instead for all the images.
Is it possible to achieve in some way?