Textbox in toolbar is readonly???

Last post 06-23-2009, 1:46 AM by Maarten. 3 replies.
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  •  05-25-2009, 7:08 AM 52461

    Textbox in toolbar is readonly???

    I created a new toolbar and inside that toolbar I have a textbox.
    The strange thing is I can't type text into it.
    CuteEditor.ToolControl tct = rtb.ToolControls["myToolbar"];
    TextBox txt = new TextBox() { ID = "txtName" };
    I see the textbox, but cant get focus in it or type any text.
    What do I do wrong?
  •  05-25-2009, 1:15 PM 52483 in reply to 52461

    Re: Textbox in toolbar is readonly???

    The textbox in the toolbars will be readonly.
    You can add textbox into the bottom template.
    1. <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server">  
    2. <BottomTemplate>  
    3. <asp:textbox id="textbox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>  
    4. </BottomTemplate>  
    5. </CE:Editor>  

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  •  05-26-2009, 2:08 AM 52496 in reply to 52483

    Re: Textbox in toolbar is readonly???

    Hi Adam,
    Thank you for your answer.
    It is working in the BottomTemplate, thank you.
    Is there a possibility to get the textbox in a custom toolbar?
    This is for the layout and working for us desirable.
    (We want to keep the functionality and look and feel the same.
    With the BottomTemplate solution the user has to scroll up and down, depending on the functionality to be used)
    We are evaluating this great control but are really in need of this to work.
    Is there maybe a work around or can this be made in a future release?
    Many thanks,
  •  06-23-2009, 1:46 AM 53379 in reply to 52483

    Re: Textbox in toolbar is readonly???

    Hi Adam,
    Can you give me an update for this?
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