Couple Small Bugs in 2.0

Last post 03-16-2005, 5:11 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  03-16-2005, 12:23 AM 4677

    Couple Small Bugs in 2.0

    Installed 2.0 and it's working pretty well, just a couple bugs so far.
    After install it wouldn't connect to DB and I found out I had to manually edit the web.config and insert the connection sting in 2 different places.  It seems that that utility in the installation process didn't update the connection strings automatically.
    Also in the chat, the skins feature doesn't seem to work.  The window opens up to pick a skin but when you click nothing happens.
    Everything else seems ok so far.  I'll let you know if I find anything else.
  •  03-16-2005, 5:11 AM 4687 in reply to 4677

    Re: Couple Small Bugs in 2.0

    You could implement the CuteSoft.Chat.ConnectionStringProvider  , and register it in web.config as :
    <add key="CuteChat.ConnectionStringProvider" value="YourNS.YourConnectionProvider,YourAssembly"/>
    the could should be
    namespace YourNS
     public class YourConnectionProvider : CuteSoft.Chat.ConnectionStringProvider
      protected override string GetConnectionString(CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity user)
       return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["YourConnectionKey"];

    The integration documentation would be available next week .


    About the skins , do you get any script error messages ?

    Regards , Terry .
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