Customize Output HTML

Last post 11-25-2008, 9:28 AM by Karen. 3 replies.
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  •  11-07-2008, 7:15 PM 45524

    Customize Output HTML

    I am using CuteEditor 6.2 to edit the HTML that is then fed into an ActiveReports 3 RichTextBox object. The ActiveReports object is fairly dumb when it comes to HTML and does not understand things like <SPAN style='font-family:Arial; font-size:14pt'>...</SPAN>.
    Instead it will understand only <FONT FACE='Arial' SIZE="3">....</FONT>
    I know I can parse and replace the SPAN tags before I save the data to my database in the OnPostBackCommand event but before I go write a parser, is there a way to customize CuteEditor to do this a little more easily?
    Thanks very much in advance,
  •  11-07-2008, 10:15 PM 45527 in reply to 45524

    Re: Customize Output HTML

    Yes, please set the following property to true.

    Editor.UseFontTags Property

    Font tags are now deprecated, meaning that they aren't used any more and will cause validation errors. Many legacy pages still contain style information in font tags. By default Cute Editor converts font tags to span tags. <font face="times" size="4" color="#ffffff">your text</font> would be replaced with <span style="font-family: times, serif; font-size: 110%; color:#ffffff">your text</span> If you still want to use font tags, you can set this property to true.
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  •  11-24-2008, 4:27 PM 46254 in reply to 45527

    Re: Customize Output HTML

    Thank you Adam. That worked great. Unfortunately, the HTML output still caused problems with the rich text box implementation in ActiveReports 3 and I've had to revert to using RTF data for my rich text fields.
  •  11-25-2008, 9:28 AM 46285 in reply to 46254

    Re: Customize Output HTML

    Dear FrankFang,
    Can you be more specific on why ActiveReports 3 is NOT taking your HTML code as you did on the first report? We need the exact details in order to help you further. Come to livesupport during our regular business hours and you will get a chance to explain this to an operator. We're on Eastern Standard Time (Washington time) Mon - Fri 9:30am - 17:30 pm.
    Thanks for asking
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