Latest version of Cute Editor and HTML Entities

Last post 10-06-2008, 1:55 AM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  10-01-2008, 10:56 AM 44474

    Latest version of Cute Editor and HTML Entities

    Hi there
    Just upgraded to the .net version and all seems well. however, when saving content in the extended character sets, such as cyrilic and suchlike, the system does not convert to entities and it is a fairly intensive process to convert them client side. it does convert the lower sets, such as pound symbols, copyright etc, but nothing higher. eg.:
    Από αυτή τη σελίδα θα κάνουμε τις πρώτες διερευνητικές επαφές με τα νέα προϊόντα της ελληνικής αγοράς. Κάντε κλικ στις φωτογραφίες για να μεταφερθείτε στα άρθρα
    is not converted and in .net becuase we are storing into a database as non-unicode, it raises an ASP.NET error. therefore we have to convert to HTML entity before saving it. Can Cute Edit do this, or is it not supported? I guess a simple Javascript function could do the same client side before posting, don't suppose someone has had this problem and a resolution?
    PS. Server.htmlencode doesn't work correctly as it still includes an odd characters along with the encoded characters, possibly an issue with server.htmlencode doing unicode.
  •  10-06-2008, 1:55 AM 44596 in reply to 44474

    Re: Latest version of Cute Editor and HTML Entities

    The non-ASCII range of ISO-8859-1 (\u00A0-\u00FF) would not be handled by Cute Editor.
    However you can handle those characters by creating your own HTML filter.
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