Mailto Link encoding

Last post 05-13-2008, 4:57 PM by yzaragoza. 2 replies.
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  •  05-13-2008, 3:36 PM 40363

    Mailto Link encoding

    For some reason when I add a mailto link on the Normal view it changes it from:

    & #109; & #97;& #105;& #108;& #116;& #111;& #58;& #97;& #97;& #64;& #97;& #97;& #46;& #99;& #111;& #109;
    I added spaces after the & so you can understand the issue
    Why is it doing this? is their a way I can update it to always stay as
    Please help me!
    (I am not 100% sure but I think I am using Version 6.0... How do I check?)
  •  05-13-2008, 4:22 PM 40370 in reply to 40363

    Re: Mailto Link encoding

    Please use the following property:

    Editor.EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder Property

    Email contact links are an invaluable part of any web page. However, they are also vulnerable to a particular type of web robot known as the spam harvester or spambot. A spam harvester can read through the pages in your site and extract email addresses which are then added to bulk marketing databases. CuteEditor allows you reduce possible spam by 'disguising' a raw email address in an encoded ASCII form.. You can turn this feature off by setting this property to "false".


    Example Code

               Dim editor
               Set editor = New CuteEditor
               editor.ID = "Editor1"
               'Sets or retrieves the baseline URL on which relative links will be based.
               editor.EnableAntiSpamEmailEncoder = false
               editor.Text = "Hello World"
          %> Chat
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  •  05-13-2008, 4:57 PM 40375 in reply to 40370

    Re: Mailto Link encoding

    Thank you very much.
    This looks like its working now!
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