Disable "Word Wrap" in Cute Editor Window

Last post 01-16-2008, 11:07 AM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  12-05-2007, 8:04 AM 35662

    Disable "Word Wrap" in Cute Editor Window

    Hello All,
         When typing text into a CuteEditor window, when the text reaches the edge of the editor window, it automatically "wraps" to the next line and you can keep typing on the next line.  What I have noticed is that there is no formal HTML line break tag (</div>, <br> or </p>) inserted at the end of the line before the text "wraps" to the next line.  When the web app that we use CuteEditor with generates some of it's reports, they are printing out landscape because it is interpreting these "wrapped" lines as one giant line and will not break it until the reporting software hits the max amount of text that it will allow on a line or an actual HTML line break tag (</div>, <br> or </p>) is encountered. 
         Therefore, my question is: can you turn off the "word wrap" feature in CuteEditor and force the user to hit the enter key to go to the next line when the text they are typing reaches the edge of the CuteEditor window, or is there a way to tell CuteEditor that when it "wraps" to the next line it must insert the line break tag specified in the breakElement property?  Either way will work for me.  Any help that can be offered will be greatly appreciated.

  •  01-16-2008, 10:25 AM 36352 in reply to 35662

    Re: Disable "Word Wrap" in Cute Editor Window

    I'm interested about this also. Almost a fourth of my users are still using 800x600 resolutions and are not the most computer literate. So when I tell them it is WYSIWYG, except word wrapping, it confuses and frustrates them.
  •  01-16-2008, 11:07 AM 36358 in reply to 35662

    Re: Disable "Word Wrap" in Cute Editor Window

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