.config file settings

Last post 01-11-2008, 9:25 AM by scottle. 0 replies.
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  •  01-11-2008, 9:25 AM 36261

    .config file settings

    Is there documentation that lists all the available overrides you can set in config files for the CuteEditor?  I can only seem to find them scattered on the forums?  Things like:


    <add key="CuteEditorDefaultFilesPath" value="~/editor" />

    <add key="CuteEditorLicense" value="G:\Downloads\CuteEditor\CuteEditor.lic" />

    <add key="DictionaryFolder" value="G:\Downloads\CuteEditor\CuteEditor_for_NET6\Framework 2.0\bin" />


    Thanks, Scott
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