Subdirectories within an album

Last post 11-21-2007, 4:20 PM by bendo. 1 replies.
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  •  11-20-2007, 4:48 PM 35254

    Subdirectories within an album

    Can I have the subdirectories listed automatically along with the thumbnails of an album? Looks like it would be fairly easy to add in a component to look for subdirs and add them in to the datagrid (as an image of a folder or something) with links to the corrosponding show.aspx?album=album/subdir" required to browse it. I suppose I could put this in myself but I do not want to pay for something that I have to put coding time in to.
    Ben Dixon
  •  11-21-2007, 4:20 PM 35286 in reply to 35254

    Re: Subdirectories within an album

    OK, to accomplish this I replaced show.aspx with this. Don't forget to change actualdirectoryString to the correct directory.

    <%@ Page Language="VB"%>

    <%@ Import Namespace="System" %>

    <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="DotNetGallery" Assembly="DotNetGallery" %>



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

    <title>DotNetGallery Album Demonstration</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="example.css" type="text/css" />

    <script runat="server">

    Private album As String

    Private x,y As Integer

    Dim curdir As String

    Dim rootdir As String

    Dim rootdirlink As String

    Dim subdir As String() = New String(199){}

    Dim subdirtag As String() = New String(199){}

    Dim subdirectory As String() = New String(199){}

    ' Obtain the gallery folder from query string

    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

    album = Request.QueryString("album")

    If album Is Nothing OrElse album = "/" Then

    gallery1.FolderPath = "album1"

    End If

    gallery1.FolderPath = album


    'Get a list of SubDirectories


    Dim actualdirectoryString As String = "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dotnetgallery/" + gallery1.FolderPath

    HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" actual: " + actualdirectoryString)

    Dim directories As String() = Directory.GetDirectories(actualdirectoryString)

    Dim ib As Integer = gallery1.folderpath.LastIndexOf("\"C)

    curdir = gallery1.folderpath.Substring(ib+1)

    if ib > 0 then

    rootdir = gallery1.folderpath.Remove(ib)

    rootdirlink = "show.aspx?album="+rootdir


    rootdir = ""

    rootdirlink = "#"

    end if

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" gallery1 " + gallery1.folderpath)

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" curdir " + curdir)

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" rootdirectory " + rootdir)

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" rootdirlink " + rootdirlink)

    x = 0

    For Each directory As String In directories

    Dim i As Integer = directory.LastIndexOf("/"C)

    Dim ia As Integer = directory.LastIndexOf("\"C)

    subdir(x) = directory.Substring(i + 1)

    subdirtag(x) = directory.Substring(ia + 1)

    subdirectory(x) = "show.aspx?album="+subdir(x)

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" subdirectory " + subdirectory(x))

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" subdir " + subdir(x))

    'HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(" subdirtag " + subdirtag(x))


    x = x + 1



    End Sub




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    Ben Dixon
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