Errors connecting to chat in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox

Last post 09-22-2007, 11:52 PM by Tunica54. 3 replies.
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  •  09-22-2007, 12:15 AM 33741

    Errors connecting to chat in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox

    I'm trialing Cute Chat with Community Server and am getting issues connecting to the chat server in IE but not Firefox.

    When chat is launched three dialogs with errors appear, one after the other.

    Dialog one displays Getting /CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/CH_MainForm.Aspx?Location=Lobby&LocationId=5,102 GetString is undefefined
    Dialog two displays  /CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/CH_MainForm.Aspx?Location=Lobby&LocationId=5,2 Object Unexpected
    Dialog three displays   /CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/CH_MainForm.Aspx?Location=Lobby&LocationId=5,139 Object Unexpected

    UPDATE: I'm only seeing this in IE6.  I've seen it in IE 6 on 2 different XP SP2 machines and on a Windows 2000 server machine.  IE 7 worked fine on an XP SP2 machine.

    Hope you can help,

  •  09-22-2007, 3:54 PM 33750 in reply to 33741

    Re: Errors connecting to chat in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox

    Please add the folllowing entry to your web.config file:
    <add key="CuteChat.DisableZipCompress" value="true" />
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  •  09-22-2007, 4:57 PM 33753 in reply to 33750

    Re: Errors connecting to chat in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox

    I'm trying it but getting application errors.  What section in web.config should it go in.  I'm a .net noob.
    Update: Tried it in the protocol section and I don't get app errors, but get the same errors as before.  Also I did do an iisreset if that matters.
  •  09-22-2007, 11:52 PM 33756 in reply to 33753

    Figured it out

    The   <add key="CuteChat.DisableZipCompress" value="true" /> needs to go on line two of your web.config file immediately below the <configuration> tag.  I tried it every where else in there and would get errors.  It now works for me.  It loads slightly slower, probably to be expected I would think as it looks like we are turning off the compression when the app downloads or starts.  Below is what it should look like.
      <add key="CuteChat.DisableZipCompress" value="true" />
    Thanks for the help Adam.  I appreciate it.
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