Purchase/upgrade question

Last post 04-18-2007, 6:34 PM by Karen. 1 replies.
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  •  04-18-2007, 5:24 PM 28576

    Purchase/upgrade question

    Hi. I evaluated Cute Chat and Live Support a couple of months ago, but I decided to hold off on buying while waiting for Community Server 2007 to come out, which I'm using on my website.  I'm interested in purchasing them now or soon, but I do have one concern.  As I understand it from looking at other forum posts, and from my recollection about something else that I saw, I believe that you are working on getting a new version of either Cute Chat or Live Support out later this month.  Is this correct?
    If so, should I wait to purchase until after you do your release later this month?  If I purchase now, will I have to pay to upgrade to the new version when it comes out?
    If I'm incorrect about your release plans and you're not able to discuss future release plans, please let me know.  I won't press you to make an announcement of your release plans.
    Michael Collins
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