How to restrict input to fixed styles

Last post 11-30-2004, 11:08 AM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  11-29-2004, 5:40 AM 2659

    How to restrict input to fixed styles

    We are considering using the CuteEditor in out DotNetNuke intranet sites. For most pages on these sites we want the users to adhere to a fixed and fairly limited set of text styles (e.g. there is one heading style, one normal text style etc). This is in order that the content has the correct corporate 'style'.
    So my questions are - can we, using the control in DotNetNuke, (i) remove the font size, type, colour etc buttons (ii) replace the styles in the style drop-down to the styles we have defined (iii) allow certain users access to the full range of CuteEditor functions?
  •  11-29-2004, 11:17 AM 2666 in reply to 2659

    Re: How to restrict input to fixed styles

    First the followings are the informations of integrating Cute Editor with dotnetnuke:

    DotNetNuke 2.1.2 Integration

    DotNetNuke 1.x- 2.x Integration 

    dowload the Cute Editor for DotNetNuke 2.1.2 version: 
    >>We are considering using the CuteEditor in out DotNetNuke intranet sites. For most pages on these sites we want the users to
    >>adhere to a fixed and fairly limited set of text styles (e.g. there is one heading style, one normal text style etc). This is in order that the
    >>content has the correct corporate 'style'.
    >>So my questions are - can we, using the control in DotNetNuke, (i) remove the font size, type, colour etc buttons (ii) replace the
    >>styles in the style drop-down to the styles we have defined (iii) allow certain users access to the full range of CuteEditor functions?

    Yes, you can.

    First you need to download the Cute Editor for DotNetNuke.

    To dsable/remove the buttons, you have tow options:

    1. Use the  Editor.DisableItemList Property

    The toolbar items needed to be disabled going to this string. Example DisableItemList="Bold, New, Delete"

    2. Edit the configuration file directly.

    For example, we can disbable the buttons by modifying the full.config file directly.

    You can find the full.config file in CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/AutoConfigure/Full.config

    You can disable any button here by setting Visible attribute to false.

    For example:

    You can disable the ForeColor and BackColor by setting Visible attribute to false:

    <item type="ForeColor" Visible="false"/>
    <item type="BackColor" Visible="false/>

    Hope it helps.

    Let me know if you have any further questions. Chat
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  •  11-30-2004, 4:52 AM 2701 in reply to 2666

    Re: How to restrict input to fixed styles

    OK thanks, I understand about hiding buttons now.
    How about my other quesion - how to replace the available styles with a smaller set of styles that we designed? Do these styles come from a DotNetNuke style sheet or something in the CuteEditor set up?
  •  11-30-2004, 11:08 AM 2709 in reply to 2701

    Re: How to restrict input to fixed styles

    If you download the Cute Editor for DotNetNuke, all the classes in the class dropdown are come from the DotNetNuke style sheet.
    If you want to build your own style sheet, you have two options:
    1. Edit the CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Shared/Common.config
        <item text="[[NotSet]]">null</item>
       <item text="Style1">Style1</item>
       <item text="Style2">Style2</item>
    2. If you want to populate the css class dropdown dynamically, please check the link below:

    Keep me posted. Chat
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