Dreamweaver and ASP Editor

Last post 11-29-2006, 9:15 PM by Karen. 3 replies.
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  •  11-29-2006, 8:54 AM 24664

    Dreamweaver and ASP Editor

    ....Editing this message. I think I just realized something that makes my question completely dumb and irrelevant. It looks like this software is meant to incorporate IN a CMS application. I thought it WAS a CMS solution. Oops! What I need is for people to be able to edit their web pages themselves. I don't need something overly robust. Just enough for them to change text and designated images. Anything beyond that would be done in-house here. But for simple changes, a basic CMS application would be fine. Can this solution be that application or should I be looking elsewhere? If the latter, any recommendations?...
       Hello! We are going to be purchasing the Developer's License as I think that's the one we need but I had a few quick questions first.
    All of our pages are flat .html pages without any asp code or database interaction. However, they are all hosted on a Windows server for whatever reason. Will this program still work in this situation? Do the page extensions have to be .asp? Will the pages change from like page.html to something ugly like page.asp?blahblah=19?
    Finally, I built all of these sites in Dreamweaver. Without a trial demo it's hard for me to see exactly how this would be implemented. Do I just add some tags to each page or body area that I want people to be able to edit?

    Thank you for any insight you can give! I just didn't want to make a $399 blunder if it's not the right solution.

  •  11-29-2006, 3:43 PM 24691 in reply to 24668

    Re: CuteEditor doesn't have to be part of a CMS

    Thank you for the reply! It seems that this will work great then. I just need an easy way for them to make simple web edits because it will save a boatload of time. If you send me the source code, it'll just make me feel inadequate, lol, as I'd have no idea what I'm looking at. I'm not a programmer per se. I'll look at the example but it sounds as though what I want to achieve is possible, and that's all I was really concerned with. I can fumble my way through it, I just needed to make sure it would eventually serve its purpose. :)
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