Format and space Issues in Cuteeditor

Last post 11-22-2006, 1:40 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  11-22-2006, 1:04 AM 24500

    Format and space Issues in Cuteeditor

    I'm using cuteeditor version 5.2.
    In that if i'm typing "Welcome" for the first time, cuteeditor.body.innerHTML is showing as "Welcome".
    If i'm deleting the word "Welcome" through backspace and retype the same word "Welcome", now the value of cuteeditor.body.innerHTML is showing as "<P>Welcome</P>".
    This is not happening if i delete the word and giving the word back through copy-paste.
    And also, i hope one space is getting added after the word while saving. "Welcome" has become as "Welcome "(space added at the end after saving).
  •  11-22-2006, 1:40 PM 24513 in reply to 24500

    Re: Format and space Issues in Cuteeditor

    I'm using cuteeditor version 5.2.
    In that if i'm typing "Welcome" for the first time, cuteeditor.body.innerHTML is showing as "Welcome".
    If i'm deleting the word "Welcome" through backspace and retype the same word "Welcome", now the value of cuteeditor.body.innerHTML is showing as "<P>Welcome</P>".
    This is not happening if i delete the word and giving the word back through copy-paste.
    If you are using IE, IE will automatically put all the content into block level element, for example, "<p>", "<div>". If you dont' like this behaviour, please use firefox instead.
    And also, i hope one space is getting added after the word while saving. "Welcome" has become as "Welcome "(space added at the end after saving).
    You have to type that space manually. Otherwise CuteEdtior won't add that space automatically.
    BTW, please download the version 5.3 from:
    It's free upgrade.
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