IE7 / IE6 development with IP Licence

Last post 10-23-2006, 12:56 PM by Karen. 3 replies.
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  •  10-23-2006, 5:59 AM 23762

    IE7 / IE6 development with IP Licence

    I have Cute Editor for .NET with an IP licence.
    Everything has been hunky-dory re licensing on my development machine using the http://localhost style addresses.
    However, since IE6 and IE7 cannot reside on the same machine, I have decided to keep a spare laptop locked down to IE6 and to use a Terminal Services session from my workstation across my LAN to test continued IE6 compability.
    Of course - the website exists on my local workstation, so to access the website via the Terminal Services session I must use in the IE6 installed on my laptop (192.168.0.???) . This of course trips up a System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: The IP address in the license file doesn't match the actual IP address ( of the web site
    Is there any chance the IP licence file could allow use of the IANA "private address spaces" / 8, / 12 and / 16 for development purposes?
    John C.
  •  10-23-2006, 11:55 AM 23769 in reply to 23764

    Re: Developement License

    HI Karen,
    Many thanks for your prompt response.
    In this scenario I just cannot see how a second development licence would help me.
    I am NOT using the second machine to develop - but simply to view my local/development site using IE6.
    I understand that we have both been handicapped by Microsoft's decision to make it impossible for IE6/IE7 to run on the same machine/IP, but as  premier .NET tool developers I am sure CuteSoft have a better strategy than requiring your users to buy additional licences - and in any case at this point I cannot understand how this will solve the problem as described.
    John C.
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