Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

Last post 12-20-2006, 12:06 PM by spunkymonkey. 3 replies.
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  •  09-19-2006, 12:11 AM 22818

    Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    Certain documents pasted from Word result in very slow performance of the editor. By very slow I mean maxing out the CPU on the client for 10-25 seconds.  XHTMLOutput is set to false (by default and then I tried explicitly setting it).  The degradation in performance seems to occur when the focus is lost on the "Normal" view; either by switching to HTML or submitting the page or following a static link on the page.  However, switching from the "HTML" view to the "Normal" view has just fine performance.
    I can not recreate this on  However, I can recreate it with the latest 5.2 package (downloaded it from the server again today).  I used the default.asp page.
    This performance is definitely a show stopper for me.  However, I hope that there is resolution in that I don't have any problems on the server.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.  Anyone know of a good javascript profiler that could help me isolate which method is hogging the CPU?
  •  09-19-2006, 1:33 PM 22831 in reply to 22818

    Re: Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    The demo enable.asp is running version 5.2 and it's setting is as followings:
           dim content
           content = "Type here" 
           Dim editor
           Set editor = New CuteEditor
           editor.ID = "Editor1"
           editor.Text = content
           'editor.FilesPath = "/ASP/CuteEditor_Files"
           editor.UseHTMLEntities = false
           editor.EditorBodyStyle = "font:normal 12px arial;"
           editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
           ' Request.Form(ID) access from other page
    Please try this setting and keep me posted.
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  •  09-19-2006, 1:55 PM 22832 in reply to 22831

    Re: Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    This was it.  I had run a profiler and noticed that the symbolsToEntities function was hogging the CPU. Adding the following line (which is not in the default.asp demo page) apparently must circumvent the call to that function:
    editor.UseHTMLEntities = false
    When I added this line to my environment everything runs a lot smoother. Thanks.
  •  12-20-2006, 12:06 PM 25253 in reply to 22818

    Re: Performance (v 5.2) with 4-5 page documents pasted from Word

    I think I ran into the same issue.  After contacting support I was told to look at and set editor.UseHTMLEntities = False
    If it wasn't set to False, any reload of that page would cause expotentially longer periods of time before I could navigate away from the page.  After 4 or 5 reloads I was up over a minute.
     Nevermind....  Didn't see whole thread so I thought it wasn't solved.
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