Simple Insert Image?

Last post 04-12-2006, 8:29 PM by cswsteve. 4 replies.
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  •  04-10-2006, 9:53 AM 18053

    Simple Insert Image?

    We are currently using a comparable program called pinEdit from but are having a couple of problems with it so we are looking for another solution.
    Cute Editor seems like it will do everything we need and we would purchase it now except for one problem.  The Insert Image is overly complex and powerful.  There are 29 pages worth of Old images displayed and when I upload another it takes several minutes to figure out where the image is just to select and insert it.
    Your other Insert Image page has so many options the average user would be very confused by it.
    In pinEdit they have a simple upload form that opens that allows you to select the image you wish to upload and it inserts that image as soon as it is finished uploading.  I am not sure what the benefit is to seeing all the past Images that you uploaded but we use this for a support forum where a customer can upload a screen shot.  They would never need to see past images.
    In fact what we would really like it to just have the standard Windows Open Dialog box to open where you select an image and it uploads and inserts it where your cursor is in the editor.
    Our users are very basic and need simple forms without a lot of extras they will never use.  I can appreciate both your Image Upload forms and the amount of features they offer but is there any way you can add a third simple clean upload and insert image form? 
  •  04-10-2006, 2:47 PM 18065 in reply to 18053

    Re: Simple Insert Image?

    Thanks for the nice comments about CuteEditor.
    I agree the insert image functions is advaned for the basic users.
    Here are three options:
    1. Modify the Insert Image page. Remove the features you don't need.
    For example:
    Open the InsertImage.Frame.aspx and find out the layout table.
    And change the following code:
     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" align="center" >   
         <td valign="top">
     <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" align="center" style="display:none">   
         <td valign="top">
     Then all the layout options will be removed.
    2. Create your own custom Insert Image button.
    Please check the following example:
    3. We may add the following feature in the future version.

    But the problem of this solution is: whenever you insert an image to the web page, your end users have to upload a new image to the server instead of selecting existing images from the server.
    Hope it helps.
    Let me know if you have any further questions.
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  •  04-10-2006, 4:38 PM 18079 in reply to 18065

    Re: Simple Insert Image?

     Adam wrote:
    3. We may add the following feature in the future version.

    But the problem of this solution is: whenever you insert an image to the web page, your end users have to upload a new image to the server instead of selecting existing images from the server.
    Thanks for the quick reply.  Let me see if I can give you a better example of this.
    None of our users would ever want to select existing images from the server.  If they did they could always use one of your existing 2 methods.  Uploading is fast with jpg screen shots as they are normally less than 100k.  Photos on the other hand are a different story but that's not what plan to use this control for.
    We create and sell softeware and have a support site where users post questions in a similar manner to this site.  They may have a situation where they need to send a screen shot or two just like we are doing in this thread.  The difference is that they will never send the same screen shot ever again so to display all of the past screen shots would confuse them.
    Actually, in this forum I will never send the above screen shots again because I have already received my answer to the questions on those screen shots.  So the next time I post I would not want to see those screen shots as I will have different screen shots to post instead.  I would just want a simple upload screen to insert my image 1 time.  I can see this feature being helpful for certain users who need to insert the same image again later but in most support forums this would never happen.
  •  04-12-2006, 4:35 PM 18173 in reply to 18079

    Re: Simple Insert Image?

    I understand your situation and it makes sense to me.
    We will add this feature in the next minor release.
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  •  04-12-2006, 8:29 PM 18185 in reply to 18173

    Re: Simple Insert Image?

    That's great to hear.  We are testing the demo right now and so far it is great.  I look forward to the next release and then I am sure we will purchase it.
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