ASP CuteEditor Server Licence - problem with transparent proxies

Last post 03-02-2006, 1:21 PM by Karen. 1 replies.
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  •  03-02-2006, 9:59 AM 16612

    ASP CuteEditor Server Licence - problem with transparent proxies

    I installed the licence file and all appeared to be well for a while. I'm now working from home and I'm getting an invalid licence popup whenever I access a page with the a CuteEditor control on it. I'm still accessing the pages from the server we have the licence for, but my ISP is using a transparent proxy to cache pages, including those with the CuteEditor controls, even though they have a no-cache meta tag in them. I've tried adding a random string to the querystring to force the proxy to get the page fresh from the server, but this doesn't work. I suspect the issues lies elsewhere.
    Is there is a solution to this issue? Though it's annoying it's not a problem for me as I know what's going on, but if any our clients get the same thing happening then we will have a serious problem! :(
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