Questions about license

Last post 03-02-2006, 2:01 PM by Karen. 1 replies.
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  •  03-02-2006, 9:43 AM 16611

    Questions about license

    We're considering using the Cute Editor for ASP in our application to allow the users of our site to create html based email.  I have a couple questions.
    1. Is there a way to download a demo so we can test the package to see if it meets our needs.
    2. What license would we want to purchase? 
    We have 4 developers who use their own PC's as their development environment.
    We have 2 designers who share our development environment as their workspace. 
    We also have a QA environment where we move our work to be tested prior to deploying to production.
    Our production site is hosted on a web farm with 3 webservers and one database server.  The application would reside on each of the web servers.
    Everything is written using VB6 COM objects and the front end is ASP pages using VB Script.
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