possible problem with msXML

Last post 01-06-2006, 10:07 PM by rcroeder. 2 replies.
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  •  01-05-2006, 5:15 PM 14474

    possible problem with msXML

    Here is a fun one for today, makes you want to crawl back in bed. Well I updated my portable last night with the latest patches from MicroSoft and this morning CuteEditor failed to work. It fails creating MSXML2.DOMDocument. with the 800401f3 error. The other machine, which i have not updated works fine. Reloaded XML and still failed to work.

    Finally it appears that the patches have modified the registry regarding MSXML2.DOMDocument. When I changed the MSXML2.DOMDocument to MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0 the program worked fine. Maybe there is another issue and if it is please tell me.
    p.s. I reloaded a fresh copy of CuteEdit 5 to make sure it was not something I had nod done to the file.
  •  01-06-2006, 5:45 PM 14507 in reply to 14474

    Re: possible problem with msXML

    It's strange.
    In the Microsoft Kb:
    "Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0 is installed in side-by-side mode. This means that installing MSXML 4.0 does not replace or depend on any previously installed version of the MSXML parser on your computer. This is done to protect the quality of applications that are currently using Msxml.dll, Msxml2.dll, or Msxml3.dll. Side-by-side mode also allows you to decide which version of the parser to use in your code. "

    It looks like the progid in the registry(hkey_classes_root)  of the problematic machine has been modified.

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  •  01-06-2006, 10:07 PM 14512 in reply to 14507

    Re: possible problem with msXML

    I understand what has gone wrong, I wil probably have to rebuild my machine. I could ask why CuteSoft is not using the latest XML (4.0) ranther that 2.0 or 3.0? I think you are using 4.0 but I need to good registry diving to find out.
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