Background image

Last post 12-19-2005, 4:08 PM by rcroeder. 3 replies.
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  •  12-17-2005, 5:44 AM 13987

    Background image

    I'm using the classic ASP version of cute editor.
    It lets me specify background color property - but is possible to let it specify background image.  (I notice the CE I'm writing in lets you do that).
    If it's not available by default - what would be the best means of doing it programmatically?  I'm fluent in JavaScript and ASP code.
  •  12-19-2005, 6:08 AM 14015 in reply to 13987

    Re: Background image

    Are you looking to do this as a button or you just need to do this. if the later, the just go to html mode and add a background="something.jpg" inside of the table. I am sure that it would not be painful to add as a button in this version, since you are modifing a property inside of the table. You could add it to a class in a css and then apply that class to the table.
  •  12-19-2005, 9:33 AM 14017 in reply to 14015

    Re: Background image

    Ideally some sort of button.  The editor will be used by my customers to create customised html emails.  A lot of them want to set a background image to the html email.  So I just want a way of allowing them to specify a background image.

    A table might work as a compromise. 

    > modifing a property inside of the table

    Where would I find documentation on how to do that?  Presumably this can be done via some client-side JavaScript?  I looked at the help document but that deals with just the serverside of things (creating the new editor object and it's properties and methods).

    I had a good look round but don't see where the client-side documentation can be found?



  •  12-19-2005, 4:08 PM 14026 in reply to 14017

    Re: Background image

    I use CuteEdit to allow my client to send emails. I actually even wrote a mini scripting language to allow replace of names, address,etc similar to how word does merging, but the merging is done outside of CuteEdit. I only allow CuteEdit to create the content, and not the html headers around the email so I have better control.
    On the idea of the table, you could create your own template, the template would be a simply a table with a single row that would be house the content of the editor, then by use of css apply the image to the background of the table thru a class element or the more direct method of a background element.
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