Product upgrade

Last post 08-08-2004, 9:40 PM by Adam. 5 replies.
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  •  07-27-2004, 2:30 PM 1331

    Product upgrade

    I have purchased ASPEditor and find it does not work well in our environment.  At the time I purchased I did not know CuteEditor for .net was available.  The target site for this tool is and it is hosted on  They claim to provide ASP.NET support -- but have disabled FSO "for security reasons".   Will CuteEdit for .net work in this environment?  Can I upgrade my previous purchase to CuteEditor?  I see that you have just released v4.0-- yet the trial download is still v3.0 -- will this change soon?
  •  07-27-2004, 3:08 PM 1333 in reply to 1331

    Re: Product upgrade

    Hi phil,

    The latest version of CuteEditor for .NET is still the version 3.0.
    If you own a copy of the ASP version Editor, you can only upgade to ASP version 2.2. You need to purchase the .NET version separately as they are two products.
    I checked your web host and chatted with a support from He told me it should work on your server and suggested that we should try it first.
    How about you download the trial version, create a simple test project and test it on your server?
    Keep me posted
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  •  07-28-2004, 1:21 AM 1337 in reply to 1333

    Re: Product upgrade

    OK -- I downloaded the 30 day demo for Cute Editor.  Some confusion when I un-zipped it as it shows a folders for v1,0 and v1.1 but no v3.0.  Installed the version 1.1 and ran into the following problem using the enableall_vb.aspx example:
    Parser Error Message: The 'ValidateRequest' attribute is not supported by the 'page' directive.

    Source Error:

    Line 1:  <%@ Page Language="vb"  ValidateRequest="False" %>
    Line 2:  <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %>
    Line 3: 
    On the chance that I could work around the problem I removed the ValidateRequest attribute from from the page directive.  That got me to an active editor window -- until I tried to insert an image and we hit the same wall on a different module.  I am assuming that the fix lies in the machine.cfg file which is out of my reach????  Would you like to talk with once more?

  •  07-28-2004, 1:30 AM 1338 in reply to 1337

    Re: Product upgrade


    The folder ASP.NETv1.1 contains the CuteEditor filles for the ASP.NET framework 1.1. The folder ASP.NETv1.0 contains the CuteEditor filles for the ASP.NET framework 1.0.
    Because Validate Request attribute is *only* present in ASP.NET v1.1.   It looks like your server is running on ASP.NET 1.0, so you get that error.
    Please use the files in the folder ASP.NETv1.0 instead. Chat
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  •  08-08-2004, 8:43 PM 1457 in reply to 1338

    Re: Product upgrade

    OK -- latest status.  The have switched my host to v1.1 and the cuteditor for .net is working very well.  Three questions:

    1) The document download fails with an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".  Your demo on this site also develops this same error.  The Demo for CuteEdit for ASP on this site does not exhibit this problem. Is this a bug in the code or am I doing something wrong?
    2) ASPEdit used FSO extensively -- does CuteEditor for ASP also depend upon FSO?
    3) As I understand your upgrade reply if I use CuteEditor for .net I am out $150 dollars even though I have no use for the ASP product.  Is this correct?
  •  08-08-2004, 9:40 PM 1459 in reply to 1457

    Re: Product upgrade

    Phil ,

    Glad to hear you got it working!
     Phil wrote:
    1) The document download fails with an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".  Your demo on this site also develops this same error.  The Demo for CuteEdit for ASP on this site does not exhibit this problem. Is this a bug in the code or am I doing something wrong?
    Hope the following thread will help you out:
    If not, please let me know.
     Phil wrote:
    2) ASPEdit used FSO extensively -- does CuteEditor for ASP also depend upon FSO?
     Phil wrote:
    3) As I understand your upgrade reply if I use CuteEditor for .net I am out $150 dollars even though I have no use for the ASP product.  Is this correct?
    If you own a copy of the ASP version Editor, you can only upgade to ASP version 2.2.
    You need to purchase the .NET version separately as they are two products. Chat
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