I see... So setting the AutoConfigure property does nothing UNTIL the class is initialized (I am assuming you mean when the Draw() method is called).
I visualized that all the "AutoConfigure" property was doing was auto-populating the Template property with the pre-defined tool bars/buttons.
For instance, setting:
editor.AutoConfigure = "Minimal"
was identical to setting:
editor.Template = "Bold,Italic,Underline,Separator,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight"
So, in the above example, if you wanted those options PLUS the StyleDropDown, you could say:
editor.AutoConfigure = "Minimal"
editor.Template = editor.Template & ",StyleDropDown"
However, in the end - the feature doesn't really matter that much - it was supposed to save me from typing all the options (or cutting & pasting) all the options for the "Default" AutoConfigure option!
(yes, I'm too lazy to even cut & paste!)