Is this scenario possible ...

Last post 09-25-2005, 9:20 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  09-24-2005, 10:40 AM 10991

    Is this scenario possible ...

    Adam, my hope is to incorporate Cute Editor for .NET to make the following plan possible:
    Using Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET 2.0 (beta 2), SQL Server 2000, I am creating a website where paying customers can input information about their business. This data will be stored in a few tables with a SQL server database.
    1) I want to give my paying customers (business owners) the chance to create and upload customized information about their business and to upload a business logo image. To handle this, instead of incorporating a textarea or textbox as part of my web form, after gathering basic business info using textboxes, I create a seperate web form page for the Cute Editor control that takes what they typed in the CuteEditor "Type Here" area and places the HTML code generated by the control into a SQL database field called "Details" when they click on a Submit button.
    2) I want to give my customers a limited number of HTML element choices. No document uploads ... just image uploads and insertions. No form related code.
    3) I want to limit uploaded images to a certain dimension, file size and format (jpg and gif).
    4) I want to automatically (programmitically) create a sub-folder within the Uploads folder in the root of my application (virtual domain/website) should my customer upload and insert an image at some point.  This sub-folder should automatically be given the name of the user (Membership.GetUser.UserName).
    5) Should my customer desire to edit his customized business details (now stored in a database field), he can choose an "edit details" link where he will be presented with the Cute Editor. When this edit page loads, what is in the "Details" database field will be queried. Using the retrieved data (HTML code), the Editor will display the HTML code in the "Type Here" part of the editor.  My customer edits the text, perhaps changes the business logo image, and clicks the Submit button. The new HTML code is inserted into the database field.
    I realize that the database connectivity part is up to me to code correctly. My question to you is, can version 5 of Cute Editor be set up to do what I hope can be done as described above?
  •  09-25-2005, 9:20 PM 11005 in reply to 10991

    Re: Is this scenario possible ...


    1) I want to give my paying customers (business owners) the chance to create and upload customized information about their business and to upload a business logo image. To handle this, instead of incorporating a textarea or textbox as part of my web form, after gathering basic business info using textboxes, I create a seperate web form page for the Cute Editor control that takes what they typed in the CuteEditor "Type Here" area and places the HTML code generated by the control into a SQL database field called "Details" when they click on a Submit button.


    2) I want to give my customers a limited number of HTML element choices. No document uploads ... just image uploads and insertions. No form related code.

    YES, please check the following article:

    How to change the layout of the toolbars? 
    3) I want to limit uploaded images to a certain dimension, file size and format (jpg and gif).

    YES, please check the following articles:

    Restricting image uploads by size, width and height

    Automatic Image Resize

    Restricting Files by Extensions and Types

    4) I want to automatically (programmitically) create a sub-folder within the Uploads folder in the root of my application (virtual domain/website) should my customer upload and insert an image at some point.  This sub-folder should automatically be given the name of the user (Membership.GetUser.UserName).

    YES, please check this example:

    Hope it helps.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

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