Re: Images not being displayed

  •  10-29-2010, 1:46 PM

    Re: Images not being displayed

    Eric ,
    Yes, I already figured that out. Unfortunately, that fix does not work on my real website.  When I do that on it, it gives me a file not found exception:
    "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\Users\\gary\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\WebSites\\HFTPTest\\Pages\\Events\\HITEC\\U_CuteSoft_Client\\Gallery\\Layout\\SlideShow\\Template.htm'."}
    See how in this causes it build the wrong path when I don't include the "~/"?   Because the page with the DNG control is in the \\Pages\\Events\\HITEC\\  subdirectory
    It should be:
    'C:\\Users\\gary\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\WebSites\\HFTPTest\\U_CuteSoft_Client\\Gallery\\Layout\\SlideShow\\Template.htm'
    Also, it seems strange that GalleryFolder would take a "~/" prefix and GalleryClient would not.  I don't know why you would design it that way, so I'm pretty sure you've got a bug here.  
    Fortunately, it does work when I don't rename the CuteSoft_Client directory at all.  This requires me to make a few changes here, but it's not too bad. But I would say again that I think you have a bug and I would hope you address it in future versions. 
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