File/Image upload not working

  •  04-19-2010, 12:44 PM

    File/Image upload not working

    I really like the way CuteEditor works and would love to get it inplemented on our site.  My only sticking point now seems to be image and file uploading.  I've searched these forums and:
    • Yes, my /images folder has RW permissions
    • Yes, I've tried implementing impersonation
    • I'm using default.config with EVERYTHING set to true
    • I added the code

      <add name="CuteEditor.UploadModule" type="CuteEditor.UploadModule,CuteEditor"/>

      to <httpModules> section of Web.config

    The error I'm getting is the standard, "Unable to upload file. Please check folder permissions."

    We are running IIS 5.0 with .NET framework 1.1 sp 1 (yes, I know, a dinosaur - we're at a university).  We do have to use an SSL secure connection for the editor and I wonder if anything might be causing a problem there.  Otherwise I'm stumped.
    Thanks in advance...
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