Re: Couple Small Bugs in 2.0

  •  03-16-2005, 5:11 AM

    Re: Couple Small Bugs in 2.0

    You could implement the CuteSoft.Chat.ConnectionStringProvider  , and register it in web.config as :
    <add key="CuteChat.ConnectionStringProvider" value="YourNS.YourConnectionProvider,YourAssembly"/>
    the could should be
    namespace YourNS
     public class YourConnectionProvider : CuteSoft.Chat.ConnectionStringProvider
      protected override string GetConnectionString(CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity user)
       return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["YourConnectionKey"];

    The integration documentation would be available next week .


    About the skins , do you get any script error messages ?

    Regards , Terry .
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