Language Issue contextmenus (Localisation, Globalisation)

  •  11-05-2008, 3:53 AM

    Language Issue contextmenus (Localisation, Globalisation)

    Hi Adam,
    here is an issue i need your help.
     i have a problem with the localisation ( translation) of the contextmenus in cuteeditor

    if i set Editor1.CustomCulture = "it-IT" i get italian cuteeditor (menu, tooltips,etc) but the contextmenu is allways german.

    so i looked round a bit and added it-IT as priority browser language...
    that did not work.
    next i tried to switch the Editor1.CultureType to CultureType.Client/ CultureType.Server but again the context menus are all in german?!

    ps. after selecting an option from the contextmenu the dialog appears in the correct language again.
    update: in the web.config globalisation is set as the following: <globalization uiCulture="de-DE" />
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