Syntax Error

Last post 01-18-2007, 2:22 PM by Maximus5684. 5 replies.
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  •  08-01-2005, 5:49 AM 9166

    Syntax Error

    I'm trying to use this great product in my website but I'm receiving the most unusual error (well it is to me). When I open a page with the cute Editor code within I get the following error:
    Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

    Syntax error

    /includes/inc_CuteEditor.asp, line 2

    Class CuteEditor

    Not sure why I'm getting this error but any advice appreciated.
  •  08-01-2005, 1:30 PM 9174 in reply to 9166

    Re: Syntax Error

    Can you run the default examples successfully on your web server and localhost? Chat
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  •  08-02-2005, 5:33 AM 9189 in reply to 9174

    Re: Syntax Error

    Yes I can. I've actually setup a few examples which work fine but I'm now moving the files into other locations within my website (within subfolders) and it now comes up with this error.
    What I've got is an include file on one of my pages which has a reference to inc_CuteEditor.asp. This is where I receive my error message. If I remove the <% %> within the include file then the page displays okay but it obviously displays the code rather than the output of the code.
  •  08-03-2005, 4:17 AM 9211 in reply to 9189

    Re: Syntax Error

    I've since downloaded and installed V4.1. I've installed this in a test area and it work beautifully. I even recreated the folder structure on my existing site (but not the actual files) and this again worked very well. However, as soon as I copy this across to my actual site I still get the same error as described in my original message.
    Anyone got any ideas as I need to get this working ASAP.
  •  08-03-2005, 4:35 AM 9212 in reply to 9211

    Re: Syntax Error

    Figured it out. The Cute_Editor include file was coming way down in my page. Once I moved it to the top (above all other includes) then it seem a lot happier. Not sure why this is and if anyone can offer any insight then I'd be grateful...but at least it works now.
  •  01-18-2007, 2:22 PM 25922 in reply to 9212

    Re: Syntax Error

    The ASP engine reads line-by-line.  If it encounters a call to a function or an object that is in an include file before it includes the file, then it won't be able to find the object or function.  Ex:
    <!--#include "whatever.asp"-->
    set something = new somethingorother
    This will work when somethingorother is defined in whatever.asp.  However, this:
    set something = new somethingorother
    <!--#include "whatever.asp"-->
    will not work because you're trying to create a new something of type somethingorother, but somethingorother hasn't been defined because the file hasn't been included yet.
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