What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

Last post 04-12-2016, 3:00 AM by eldoraman. 4 replies.
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  •  01-17-2014, 1:14 AM 78777

    What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

    Who knows best answer for this question..


    What is the difference between early binding and late binding?


  •  01-20-2014, 3:37 PM 78794 in reply to 78777

    Re: What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

    Hi johnmecanse34,


    Do you mean bind the content for CuteEditor? Can you explain the question in detail?





  •  03-03-2016, 4:03 AM 82490 in reply to 78777

    Re: What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

    There are two cases:
  •  03-05-2016, 12:11 AM 82498 in reply to 78777

    Re: What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

    Early Binding:

    Methods, Functions and properties which are detected and checked during compile time or during compilation is called as early binding.

    In Early binding objects are basically a strong type objects or static type objects.

    An object is early bounded only when it is been assigned to a specific type (strong type). If something goes wrong while coding or before an execution of an application the visual studio intellisense automatically shows a compile time error with error line number and .NET Intellisense automatically populates declared objects methods and properties on click of the dot operator.

    Late Binding 

    Late Binding is just an opp of early binding. In Late binding functions, methods, variables and properties are detected and checked during the run-time.

    Methods, properties which bypasses compile-time checking are dynamic types which are checked/detected during runtime. In late binding compiler does not know what kind of object or actual type of an object or which methods/properties an object contains so it bypass the compile-time checking which was handled by run-time.

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  •  04-12-2016, 3:00 AM 83144 in reply to 78777

    Re: What is the difference between early binding and late binding?

     The Early Binding just means that the target method is found at compile time while in Late Binding the target method is looked up at run time. Most script languages use late binding, and compiled languages use early binding. More about......Early Binding and Late binding



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