Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

Last post 06-22-2005, 12:59 PM by Ahmun. 3 replies.
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  •  06-21-2005, 12:05 PM 7829

    Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

    I am trying to customize the links dropdown with internal site links in a CMS.
    I noticed from the Developer's Guide that the syntax to add a link to the list is:
    dropdown.Items.Add("Mail to us","support@CuteSoft.Net");
     I was wondering if there is a way to hide the "http ://" and simply say "Yahoo" just like if you highlighted "yahoo" and added a link.

    My goal is to allow the user, when editing in Normal mode, to select from the link dropdown, the name of a page (i.e. News) and only the name of the page shows up in the editor, but has the anchor tag set up in the html.

    Any tips on how to implement this?
  •  06-21-2005, 4:36 PM 7855 in reply to 7829

    Re: Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

    When you add a link, you should select/highlight  some text, then select from the link dropdown. The link will be yahoo.
    If you forget select the text, the CuteEditor will automatically use the link URL as the link text. The link will become
    If you just want to insert some links into the CuteEditor and don't need to your end users select any text at all, you should consider use the Code Snippet dropdown instead of the link dropdown.
    Hope it helps.
    Keep me posted.
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  •  06-21-2005, 5:04 PM 7859 in reply to 7855

    Betreft: Re: Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

    If you could change this to what the original poster asked for you would make me very happy  and I will send you
  •  06-22-2005, 12:59 PM 7910 in reply to 7855

    Re: Configuring LInks Dropdown to hide url in links

    Thank you for your response.  It wasn't obvious to me that highlighting the link will allow you to add the anchor tag behind.  But that is actually a better solution than code as it give the user the option.  I will train the client on that functionality of Cute Editor...
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