Rich Text Editor 8: Adding a space in the first line at the beginning of the content, is getting skipped

Last post 10-18-2013, 3:03 PM by Kenneth. 2 replies.
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  •  09-27-2013, 8:14 AM 78027

    Rich Text Editor 8: Adding a space in the first line at the beginning of the content, is getting skipped

    1. In the editor, start writing the content with a space in the beginning.

    2. We notice that this space is getting removed.

    3. Adding two spaces, adds one space tag: &nbsp in the HTML.

    4. So multiple spaces at the beginning of the content is not being allowed.


    Expected: Spaces at the beginning of the content, in the editor should be allowed.

  •  09-27-2013, 1:26 PM 78028 in reply to 78027

    Re: Rich Text Editor 8: Adding a space in the first line at the beginning of the content, is getting skipped

    Hi Moxiesoft,


    Yes, I can reproduce this too. I will report it to the development team. Once issue is fix, I will keep you posted.





  •  10-18-2013, 3:03 PM 78147 in reply to 78027

    Re: Rich Text Editor 8: Adding a space in the first line at the beginning of the content, is getting skipped

    Hi Moxiesoft,


    We have fixed this issue, please download the latest build and try again.


    Latest build download url:





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