Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

Last post 04-03-2013, 12:27 PM by Kenneth. 5 replies.
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  •  03-22-2013, 3:24 PM 77093

    Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

    New user here. Trying to get the RichTextEditor to work in ASP Classic. Getting the following error, which I have traced to ASP Uploader, but unsure if it's really a RTE problem. In any case, here's the error: 

        Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a139e'
        Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! at function Oxde
        Path/to/file.asp, line 0 
    Another thing: setting rte.ID as in the deployment instructions throws an error as well:
        Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
        Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ID'
        /Path/to/file.asp, line 225

    What can I do to fix the first error and what can be done about the second?

    Thanks in advance.

  •  03-25-2013, 7:09 AM 77096 in reply to 77093

    Re: Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

    Hi CraigBurton,


    Can you show me the full code of your editor page? Is your site online? if so, can you show me your editor page url too? So we can check it for you.


    By the way, is the "richtexteditor" folder under your site root?





  •  03-25-2013, 2:50 PM 77101 in reply to 77096

    Re: Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

    Turned out the error was in the way the folder was being included. It was being virtually included, which caused some wonky behavior as shown.


    On another note, the rte.ID property really doesn't exist. I checked the class and it wasn't in there. Was it changed to rte.EditorBodyID and the change just didn't make it to the documentation?

  •  03-25-2013, 3:18 PM 77103 in reply to 77101

    Re: Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

    Also, I have a new issue, still with uploader. When I click on the Insert Image button or the Gallery button, I get an alert containing the markup for the previous elements of the form which stops several elements above the block where the rte is instantiated.


    Edit: forgot to include the random markup it's alerting:

          <td><label for="MessageFromName"><span class="req">*</span>Email From Name</label></td>
          <td><input type="text" name="MessageFromName" id="MessageFromName" size="60" value="" /></td>
          <td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>

          <td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>
          <td colspan="2" style="height:10px;"></td>


    It's worth noting that the opening tr at the end of that does get closed two lines later, but for whatever reason the markup selected for alerting ends there.


    Then if I click upload in the dialog which appears after that first alert, I get an alert that looks like this:



    Here's the code I'm using to instantiate the editor:


         dim editor
         Set editor = new     RichTextEditor
         if MessageBody <&gt; "" and not isnull(MessageBody) then
              editor.Text = MessageBody
         end if
         editor.Name     = "MessageBody"
         editor.Height   = "200px"
         editor.Skin     = "officexpsilver"
         editor.EditorBodyID = "MessageBody"
         'Set insert gallery/image path using default storage'
         'call editor.SetSecurity("Gallery", "default", "StoragePath", "~/uplimg/email")
         'call editor.SetSecurity("Gallery", "default", "StorageName", "Uploads")
         'call editor.SetSecurity("Image", "default", "StoragePath", "~/uplimg/email")
         'call editor.SetSecurity("Image", "default", "StorageName", "Uploads") 
         ' Uncommenting the above doesn't fix the problem.


    Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated. 

  •  04-02-2013, 6:37 PM 77135 in reply to 77103

    Re: Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)

    Still unresolved. I'd be really grateful for any help the devs or other knowledgable users might be able to provide.
  •  04-03-2013, 12:27 PM 77145 in reply to 77103

    Re: Unable to calculate UploaderRoot , not found! (RTE for ASP Classic)



    What application pool you are using? If it is .net framework 4.x, then try use .net framework 2.0.

    Another way is do the setting below in your web.config


    <httpRuntime requestValidationMode=″2.0″ /> 





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